• Welcome to Apex Forensic Services


With our extensive experience conducting forensic accounting investigations and providing expert opinions in commercial disputes, we understand how to take the guesswork out of consulting support for our clients.


With our extensive experience conducting forensic accounting investigations and providing expert opinions in commercial disputes, we understand how to take the guesswork out of consulting support for our clients.

Apex Forensic Services

Welcome to Apex Forensic Services

Premier Forensic

Accounting Services

Analyzing Economic Damages

Complex disputes require depth and breadth of experience. We help unravel complicated financial transactions, reconstruct audit trails, prepare economic damage models, and provide expert witness testimony

Conducting Fraud Investigations

Corruption, financial statement fraud and asset misappropriation in the corporate setting take many forms and may include bribery of public officials, understating liabilities and expenses, accelerating revenues, payments to ghost vendors and a host of other types of fraud

Consulting on Anti-Corruption Matters

We possess deep expertise in both proactive and reactive engagements involving anti-corruption matters. On the proactive side, we’ve evaluated the efficacy of existing compliance programs and related controls, and performed risk assessments and gap analyses

Evaluating Compliance Systems and Procedures

Periodically testing the efficacy of compliance systems is a necessary step in the risk mitigation process.  Early detection of wrongdoing is critical to reducing the myriad of potential costs (i.e., fines, disgorgement, investigations, litigation) associated with non-compliance

Recovering Losses Under Fidelity Coverage

We have assisted clients in recovering losses caused by employee acts of dishonesty, acting as both an independent, third-party neutral between the Insured and the Carrier, as well as working directly on behalf of the Insured

Analyzing Construction Losses

We conduct forensic investigations and analyze whether subcontractors have complied with contractual provisions regarding labor, materials and equipment charges billed to the Contractor

“Value-Based Fees”

With our vast business background and the experience born of being deep in the business trenches, we understand how to take the guesswork out of consulting support for our clients.

Whenever appropriate, “our clients enjoy a fixed fee pricing approach”, with benefits to you that include a billing model that ensures:

  • Project scopes are tightly focused and agreed to in advance.
  • There is a sharing of the pricing risk between both client and consultant, versus the typical one-sided open-ended hourly engagements where the clients bear all the pricing risks – and associated stress. Your business peace of mind is paramount.

We believe that fixed fees promote efficiency and an alignment of interests between you as our client and our team of highly skilled and experienced consultants. There is a partnership in ethical, client-centric consulting.

In those instances where fixed fees are not feasible, to effectively control costs we utilize a phased approach combined with very attractive hourly rates for the level of expertise provided.

Request A Complimentary Consultation

    Financial Damages
    Analysis In Commercial

    Apex Forensic Services offers professional and comprehensive financial damage analysis in commercial litigation.

    Analyze And
    Quantify Losses
    Stemming from
    Fraudulent Activity

    One of the core strengths of Apex Forensic Services is analyzing and quantifying losses stemming from fraudulent activity.

    Have any questions?

    About Jeffrey Harfenist

    Jeffrey Harfenist is an experienced expert with more than 30 years of testifying and forensic accounting experience, having managed teams on some of the most high-profile investigations in U.S. history, including Tyco and Enron. Advising multinational organizations and their counsel, Jeffrey has extensive experience leading domestic and international engagements for public and private organizations across numerous industries.

    Jeffrey Harfenist

    Need Help?

    Get in touch with us!

    “In his testimony at our arbitration
    hearing, Jeffrey was the actual
    smartest guy in the room.”

    Drew Fossum, General Counsel
    Tenaska Energy, Inc.